Tag: affordable

How to Send a Demand Letter for Payment in New York

Are you unsuccessfully trying to get someone to pay you money? Are you a resident of New York? If so, DemandLetters.com can help! With DemandLetters.com you can have a lawyer send a professional demand letter on your behalf for a low flat rate. There are no hidden charges, hourly rates, retainers, or other surprise fees.  If someone owes you money, you can really get their attention and show them you mean business by having a lawyer send a letter for payment written on their letterhead. In this article, we’ll explain how it works and the process for sending a demand… ( Read Full Article… )

How to Send a Legal Letter in New Jersey

If you’re involved in a dispute with someone, a legal letter is one way to reach a peaceful resolution. Depending on the type of issue you have, legal letters are called demand letters or cease and desist letters. These legal letters can help settle a disagreement without resorting to a civil suit.  You can write a demand letter yourself, but the best and most effective letters come from an attorney. Opening a letter from a lawyer can motivate someone to finally pay up or meet your demands.  A formal demand letter or cease and desist can help with the following… ( Read Full Article… )

Send a Strongly Worded Letter for Payment Written by a Florida Attorney

Are you a resident of Florida that is owed money by someone? If you’re reading this article, it’s probably because you’re having a tough time collecting and you need some help.  In this article, we’ll explain how a demand letter can be useful in getting paid. A demand letter from a lawyer puts the other side on notice that you mean business. When other collection efforts have failed, an attorney demand letter can get the job done.  A strongly worded demand letter on an attorney’s letterhead can lead to a quick resolution without the need for more angry phone calls,… ( Read Full Article… )

How to Send a Legal Letter Online

Do you need to send a legal letter to someone? A legal letter is also sometimes called a demand letter or cease and desist.  In essence, a legal letter requests that someone takes action or refrains from doing something. A legal letter can also signal someone’s intent to take action. For example, legal letters are commonly used to demand payment, stop harassment, or request delivery of something that was promised.  A legal letter is written and sent by an attorney. The letter specifies the requested actions and the potential consequences for not complying. Legal letters can be an effective dispute… ( Read Full Article… )

How a Lawyer Can Help if Your Landlord Rejects Your Emotional Support Animal

No matter what state you live in, you are protected by federal law as an emotional support animal owner. Some states, such as New York, California, and Florida, even have additional laws prohibiting discrimination against ESA owners in housing.  For a landlord to accommodate your emotional support animal, they are entitled to see an ESA letter from a therapist or doctor. If you provide them with a valid ESA letter, they can only reject your ESA request in limited circumstances. What do you do, however, if your landlord, HOA, co-op board, or property manager wrongly rejects your emotional support animal… ( Read Full Article… )

Is a Demand Letter a Legal Document?

A demand letter is a document formally requesting action sent by one party to another, usually to request payment or correct a wrongdoing. The recipient of the demand letter may be someone who owes money, breached a contract, is in financial default, or has failed to follow through with an undertaking. A demand letter is not a “legal document” in the sense that it is a binding contract or has to be prepared by a licensed attorney. Technically, you can write your own demand letter, although demand letters are most effectively written by attorneys. Sending a demand letter on your… ( Read Full Article… )

How to Get a Personal Loan Repaid from a Friend or Family Member

If you have loaned money to a friend, family member, or acquaintance and they haven’t paid you back, you’re not alone. Many people generously offer financial assistance to someone close to them, trusting that they will eventually be paid back, but then unexpectedly encounter difficulty when the loan comes due.  Collecting money from someone you know can be a delicate situation. There are unique considerations involved when a personal loan involves someone (and mutual acquaintances) that are part of your life. You certainly want to collect what you’re owed, but you want to limit any hard feelings and lingering resentment. … ( Read Full Article… )

How to Send a Letter Notifying Your Intent to Sue

If you’re having a feud with someone and you’re reaching the end of your patience, you may be considering filing a lawsuit. Whether it’s to get your money back, put an end to a neighbor’s disturbances or settle a landlord/tenant issue, lawsuits should always be a measure of last resort. Lawsuits are expensive, unpredictable, and consume a great deal of energy and attention.  Before resorting to the court system, it’s a good idea to first send a letter of intent to sue, also sometimes known as a demand letter, to the other side. A pre-suit letter can put the party… ( Read Full Article… )

How to Collect Overdue Payments for Freelancers and Independent Contractors

Almost every freelancer, independent contractor, or novice entrepreneur will experience, at some point, the frustration of attempting to collect payment from a client. You’ve upheld your end of the bargain and finished everything you were asked to do… and suddenly, the client has effectively ghosted you.  How do you request payments from clients for projects or services that have been completed? How should you manage your relationship with the client in these situations? What can you do to protect yourself ahead of time? Do you need a demand letter? At what point should a lawyer get involved?  In this article,… ( Read Full Article… )

How to Send a Cease and Desist Letter to Stop Trademark Infringement

In this article, we’ll explain why and how you should send a cease and desist letter if someone is infringing on your trademark. A cease and desist letter notifies a party that they infringe on your intellectual property and demands that they stop. The goal of a cease and desist letter is to end the infringement without resorting to a lawsuit. A cease and desist letter for trademark infringement is usually most effective when sent by an attorney on your behalf. Demand Letters can connect you to an attorney that will prepare and send a cease and desist letter for… ( Read Full Article… )