Tag: collect

How to Send a Demand Letter for Services Rendered

Introduction Receiving payment for services rendered is a key aspect of business operations. However, it’s not always a straightforward process. Sometimes, clients delay or neglect to settle their bills, leaving you with the challenge of how to collect your dues.  This article discusses best practices for collecting bills through non-legal and legal options, including how to send a demand letter for services rendered or unpaid bills. Non-Legal Options for Collecting Bills The Legal Option: A Demand Letter If non-legal methods aren’t successful, a demand letter becomes a viable option. A demand letter is a formal notice requesting payment for services… ( Read Full Article… )

How to Collect Overdue Payments for Freelancers and Independent Contractors

Almost every freelancer, independent contractor, or novice entrepreneur will experience, at some point, the frustration of attempting to collect payment from a client. You’ve upheld your end of the bargain and finished everything you were asked to do… and suddenly, the client has effectively ghosted you.  How do you request payments from clients for projects or services that have been completed? How should you manage your relationship with the client in these situations? What can you do to protect yourself ahead of time? Do you need a demand letter? At what point should a lawyer get involved?  In this article,… ( Read Full Article… )