Category: Legal documents

How Do You Give Legal Notice?

Need to have a lawyer send someone legal notice? If so, we can help. Demand Letters connects people to licensed attorneys that can send a powerfully worded legal notice. A legal notice letter authored and signed by an attorney can help settle your issue quickly and efficiently.   What Exactly is a Legal Notice? The term “legal notice” is widely used to mean many different things. The exact meaning of giving legal notice depends on the circumstances involved. General Notice  “Legal notice” is sometimes just used as a generic term referring to any notice that is legal in nature. For example,… ( Read Full Article… )

How to Send a Lawyer Letter

What is a lawyer letter? Lawyers frequently send letters for their clients to resolve disputes. A letter sent by a lawyer is sometimes called a demand letter or cease and desist letter. They are printed and signed on the attorney’s letterhead. Lawyer letters can be effective in grabbing the recipient’s attention so you can come to an agreeable solution before the dispute escalates into a costly and time-consuming lawsuit.  Legal letters, however, can be notoriously expensive. Fees can run to hundreds of dollars for each hour of the lawyer’s time. Many firms also require a retainer, a deposit guaranteeing the… ( Read Full Article… )

Hiring an Attorney to Send a Demand Letter in Illinois

Do you need a lawyer to send a letter to someone? Do you live in Chicago, Joliet, Aurora, Naperville, or any other city in the State of Illinois?  If so, we can help. A well-written demand letter sent by a licensed attorney can get results whether you are owed money, have an unfair landlord, or are being harassed.  What Is a Demand Letter, and When Do You Need One?  Demand letters are formal letters that are sent from one party to another seeking to settle a dispute. The terms “demand letter” and “cease and desist letter” are frequently used interchangeably. … ( Read Full Article… )

How to Send a Lawyer Demand Letter in Arizona

Do you need a lawyer in Arizona to send a letter to someone? Maybe it’s because you have a landlord who won’t return your security deposit. Or perhaps you have been chasing someone for payment unsuccessfully. Or maybe you’re being victimized by someone harassing you.  These are all scenarios where a demand letter or cease and desist letter sent by an attorney can help you. If you’re a resident of Phoenix, Tucson, Mesa, Chandler, or any other city in Arizona and need a lawyer to send a letter, keep reading to find out how we can help.  What Are Demand… ( Read Full Article… )

Where to Find a Sample Demand Letter for Payment

Looking to send a demand letter and need an example? We’ll show you how in this post and give you a sample. First, some basics: A demand letter is, in essence, a final notice you send to someone requesting something. That something is usually money owed, but it can also be a request to take action or refrain from taking action. For example, demand letters can be sent to request a repayment of a loan, pay an unpaid invoice, request property back, or tell a neighbor to stop harassing you. Demand letters can address many issues and are tailored to… ( Read Full Article… )

How to Hire a Lawyer to Send a Letter

If you found this article, you’re probably dealing with a tough situation. Someone that owes you money might be dodging you. A neighbor might be driving you crazy with their behavior. Or perhaps someone is harassing or threatening you with their actions.  Whatever the case may be, and you’ve had enough, it might be time to hire a lawyer to send a letter. But what’s the best way to find a lawyer for your needs? How much will it cost? What is the process? Keep reading to find the best way to hire a lawyer to send a letter.  What is… ( Read Full Article… )

Send a Strongly Worded Letter for Payment Written by a Florida Attorney

Are you a resident of Florida that is owed money by someone? If you’re reading this article, it’s probably because you’re having a tough time collecting and you need some help.  In this article, we’ll explain how a demand letter can be useful in getting paid. A demand letter from a lawyer puts the other side on notice that you mean business. When other collection efforts have failed, an attorney demand letter can get the job done.  A strongly worded demand letter on an attorney’s letterhead can lead to a quick resolution without the need for more angry phone calls,… ( Read Full Article… )

How to Get Your Money Back From a Company

Easy refunds have become commonplace in modern retail. Perhaps the shirt you ordered did not fit the way you thought it would, you were charged for an item that was not included in your order, or the product arrived damaged or otherwise defective. As online businesses continue to grow and compete against one another, the ease with which you can return an item or obtain a refund can be a deciding factor in whether you purchase from a business. Despite these improvements, some businesses still do not make it easy to get your money back. What are your options to get… ( Read Full Article… )

5 Tips for Writing a Demand Letter and 3 Things to Avoid

A demand letter is a letter usually sent by an attorney that asks the recipient to comply with their client’s requests. A successful demand letter can resolve a dispute right away, whether that means the recipient paying money owed or taking some other action to settle the matter. You don’t actually need a legal license to write a demand letter, but they are more effective when sent by an attorney. That’s because a demand letter from an attorney conveys that you have escalated the matter to a more critical point. Attorneys also understand how to write demand letters and avoid… ( Read Full Article… )

Is a Demand Letter a Legal Document?

A demand letter is a document formally requesting action sent by one party to another, usually to request payment or correct a wrongdoing. The recipient of the demand letter may be someone who owes money, breached a contract, is in financial default, or has failed to follow through with an undertaking. A demand letter is not a “legal document” in the sense that it is a binding contract or has to be prepared by a licensed attorney. Technically, you can write your own demand letter, although demand letters are most effectively written by attorneys. Sending a demand letter on your… ( Read Full Article… )